Laptop Environment

We, Laura Vandenberg and Victor Karanja, are attending the University of Ontario Institute of Ontario (UOIT) for a bachelor of arts in communication.  At this university, laptops are mandatory for every student and are integrated into the learning atmosphere.  UOIT is Canada's first laptop university.  This website can relate to all university students because almost every student attending university in North America has a laptop computer.  The laptop has either been leased to the student by the university or is privately owned by the student.

The internet is also accessible in most universities, if not all, through wireless facilities.  This combination of laptop and wireless internet ensures that students can connect to the outside world 100% of the time they are at campus.  Students are connected to Facebook, MSN, AOL, Yahoo Messenger, YouTube, etc.

The laptop is a source of music, it is a phone (capable of calling free anywhere in North America), it is a news telecaster, it is a video player, it is a CD/DVD player, and it is a podcaster.  These features have revolutionalized the learning environment and have enhanced every learning style in ways that were not imaginable ten years ago.  The auditory learner will enjoy the contribution of a study buddy through instant messaging.  The visual learner will watch a demonstration online or through the learning tools available on the internet.  The kinesthetic learner will enjoy typing notes, as a way to keep busy.