The Auditory Learner

Auditory learners learn best through listening.  They enjoy their own voice when reading and are not shy to discuss in groups.  Auditory learners like to recite ideas for others and are usually outspoken.

How does a laptop help a noisy person?

Most auditory learners like to dictate or recite notes.  According to a study conducted in Curry Ingram, a New Zealand school which uses Apple Computers, “some high school students use voice-recognition software to dictate writing projects into their laptops” (Apple Education, 2008).  The recorded notes can be played numerous times.  Presentation can also be enhanced through sounds and music.

Auditory learners prefer to work in groups, rather than individual learning.  They like to have a study buddy with whom to discuss and share tasks.  In a course as broad and liberal as communications, our current study, a study buddy can play a major role in learning.  If working in groups is unavailable to an auditory learner they can turn to their laptops.  A laptop can act as a study buddy because it has the ability to store information and access more information through the internet. 

At the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), auditory learners can use laptops to listen to podcasts, watch movies, and exchange information through Facebook and MSN.  The laptop is everything to an auditory learner because it can provide any type of sound.  A laptop is a phone (calls for free anywhere in North America), is a music machine (YouTube), is a TV, and it is a place to record voice messages.  Being able to record notes and replay them, can really enhance the level of information retention for an auditory learner.

However, reading notes directly from laptops without some form of discussion can be challenging to an auditory learner.  They may feel sleepy within 20 minutes of staring at a screen.  Auditory learners need noisy distractiona, they may not be able to focus in a completely quiet environment.  It is important for an auditory learner to talk and compare notes with someone.  In the absence of a physical person, a laptop can fill that void, making it a perfect companion for an auditory learner.